2024-09-26 1:33 AM
We put our network onnx into X-Cube-AI but it is not pass the test. it shows the following error message:
Analyzing model.:/Users/DELL/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/x-CuBE-Al/9.0. 0/Utilities/windows/stedgeai.exe analyze -target stm32h7 -name network2-mC:/Users/DELL/Desktop/mathfunction model 1.onnx--compression none--verbosity1allocate-inputs --allocate-outputs --workspace c:/Users/DElL/ApData/Local/Temp/mAI workspace2837949619220009026241954990433454utput C:/Users/DELL/.stm32cubemx/network outputSTEdgeAl Core v9.0.0-19802
TOOL ERROR:tuple index out of range
So how to fix this error?
Here is the network structure.
2024-10-03 1:56 AM - edited 2024-10-03 6:15 AM
Hello @WeslyDreamer ,
There was an issue with the Gather, please use the latest available version of X-Cube-AI.
You can also set the environment variable _DEBUG=2 and post your error if you still have one.
Have a good day.