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Using STM's IMU with non-STM32 processors

Associate II

I would like to use LSM6DSOX with a linux board or potentially another micro controller.  What problems would i run into that using a stm32 couldn't have. I see there's a lot of code generation for stm32 chips. 


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Associate II

So i found one thing i wanted.  So this is the driver from STM for generic chips.  Driver 


They also have examples here on how to use it. Examples 


So i think this is enough for me to get started

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You'd need to know how to code, write libraries and integrate with the OS/PLATFORM that YOU have chosen.

If you and your staff can't code on the platform you've chosen its going to get a lot more difficult to get stuff done, or motivate others to provide you with code / solutions. Experience porting code from one MCU to another will be very helpful. 

Linux is not known for dealing with real-time sensors at predictable rates, often better to partition that off to a sensor board w/MCU that can then communicate that at a more leisurely manner.


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I'm sorry if i came off as a lay person here.  But I've integrated IMU's before.  I was more wondering what specific things the stm32 suite of software solves for me that i would have to migrate into my code.


Benefits of having stm32 chip

* PreBuilt Data Loggers

* NanoEdge studio "projects" are expecting you to select a specific board type for its training 

* Mems Studio [firmware programming] - is expecting you use stm32cube programmer. 



What I'm expecting is something like the MPU9250 or the ICM20948, where you get a big binary blob to flash onto the device.  From these 3 registers.


Then I'll have to figure out what all the FSM_OUTS are and MLC0_SRC stuff.  To figure out whats the IMU found


I was also curious about a legal thing.  The amount of stuff i had to accept to use STM32 edge UI and the MEMS studio was semi excessive.  So i would be interested if there's any limitation on using this device when not paired with a stm32 chip.

Associate II

So i found one thing i wanted.  So this is the driver from STM for generic chips.  Driver 


They also have examples here on how to use it. Examples 


So i think this is enough for me to get started

@BA_ wrote:

i would be interested if there's any limitation on using this device when not paired with a stm32 chip.

No:  the limitations are all about using ST's software with non-ST products - especially where ST provide the software free.

The sensors themselves neither know nor care what microcontroller (or microprocessor or whatever) you use - all they see is an SPI or I2C bus, or whatever.