2020-01-08 7:07 AM
This forum seems to be new, we all have problems, everyone looks and nobody brings solutions. The official support only gives code to verify the neural network, but I do not want to verify, I want to predict, I want to use the neural network in the microcontroller, I have already passed the verification stage. Some help please with the functions and initialization to be able to use the neural network. regards
2020-01-08 7:39 PM
Congratulations Fernando. You are solving your own problems and making your own hardware - that is the STM32 way. I have been visiting this forum on-and-off for almost 10 years, it has changed a lot. Originally it was people trying to guide ST to create better products, but now it seems like a deluge of questions. I can understand why everyone gets overwhelmed. Unfortunately solving problems often involves gritting your teeth, taking a deep breath and burrowing into the documentation. Thankfully the documentation is fairly thorough. As far as not wanting to share your solution, fair enough - if you are competing against fellow students/companies, why would you want to give your advantage away?
2020-01-08 8:08 PM
You're right about the HAL, it's there to compete with the likes of Microchip/Atmel. Ease of use, just generate the code. It's the proverbial royal road to embedded design, let the computer make all the decisions.
The reality is learning how to use a code generator is right at the bottom of the list of marketable skills in the embedded world (except for IC layout, but that's highly specialized). What's valuable is delivering a maintainable design (defined as 15-20 year life where programmers you will never meet have to figure out your little gems of elegant but comment-free code), understanding the cost/benefit trade off when choosing components, laying out a cost effective PCB (no, you can't build it all out of fine pitch BGAs, WLCSPs and 0201 passives), make the final product testable (error logs and statistics are marvelous debugging tools, especially for RMAs), the ability to write down what you've done, and being able to pitch your ideas to management in terms they understand (google 'return on investment'). Clever software frameworks don't enter into it. Especially since they will have disappeared toward the end of that 20 year lifecycle (still writing code in FORTH?).
If you really want to get some benefit out of the forum, learn to write in a clear and concise manner. Before asking, explain what you want to accomplish, what you've done, the steps you did for troubleshooting (please, please, please show the status registers with the error flags), and in what way the results don't match what you expect. Takes too much time? Sure, we all agree. That's why no one else answers the one line 'please post code' questions. Hostility in the forum is really nothing more than Garbage In, Garbage Out.
Embedded is not website programming. It's quite a bit more complicated, and it requires many skills not found in a Javascript shop. You need a background in electronics, communications (writing!!!), economics (can you explain present value as it relates to the inventory of those parts on your shiny new PCB) and mathematics (if you don't know what numerical analysis is don't ever use floating point in your code or work on a DSP), to go along with some idea of how to build and reuse commercial code that generates a profit for your company.
And finally, English not your first language? Just keep it simple, most everyone here tolerates the language mistakes. I cringe any time I have to use my extremely limited Spanish, rarely heard outside the neighborhood tortilliera at lunchtime. "Por favor, dos chimichangas al Pastor, para llevar."
Jack Peacock
2020-01-08 8:13 PM
Old code may use the SPL, but anything new is all HAL and virtually no easily understood examples. Just try figuring out the OTG or DMA2D by tracing through the generated spaghetti code. Worst of all are the ST sensors. Datasheets have virtually no information on setup or use, and app notes all refer to opaque "black box" HAL routines.
2020-05-06 7:21 AM
There are example of initializing networks and doing prediction in several of the example codes provided by ST. For example in the FP-SENSING-AI. I agree there could be more practical walkthroughs and API reference for particular parts of the AI library (and the HAL), but the information *is* available.