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NEAI datalogger does not broadcast COM port when connected via USB

Associate II


I've been tasked to use the STEVAL-PROTEUS1 board with the ISM330DHCX to detect anomalous motor behavior. I've confirmed the board works fine when using other firmware and works as a WCID & MSC with datapro. However, when I try to flash the auto generated datalogger firmware from Nanoedge AI for serial data collection (via FUOTA), it does not create a COM port I can point the serial monitor at. I'd be grateful if someone could advise me of mistakes I might've made along the way, or if flashing via FUOTA does not work because there is a second flash bank or something similar. While I do currently have access to a STLINK V3-MINIE, I would prefer if flashing via FUOTA was an option, as it makes for an easier showcase.

Thanks in advance

Julian E.
ST Employee

Hi @Haze ,


FUOTA flashing of a NanoEdgeAI datalogger binary should not require any specific constraint.

Did you choose as memory start address 0x08000000?

Then, make sure to connect your STEVAL-PROTEUS1 board to your PC using 2 micro-USB cables: a first one to power the board through its USB port, and the second one connected to a debugger plugged to the board' STLINK-V3 connector.

The second cable and ST-LINK are not required if you have generated a Continuous mode datalogger.

Please come back to us if you are still stuck after following these steps.


Have a good day,


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Hi @Julian E. !

Thank you for the speedy reply. I've attached below images from the ST BLE Sensor app of both the default address it picks to flash firmware (0x007000) and the memory out of bounds error it throws when setting the memory address to 0x08000000. Flashing other firmware mentioned above at 0x007000 works fine over OTA. The same issue is encountered when trying to flash the board using the STLINK/ DFU with boot0 pulled high via CubeProgrammer. To answer the second question, I have picked a continuous datalogger to be generated as NEAI suggests for CDC USB communication.
