2021-11-29 1:11 AM
Hi everyone, I developed and trained a simple neural network in MatLab. I exported it as an ONNX file and then I analysed it with stm32ai application.
This is the message I get:"INTERNAL ERROR: Your model ir_version is higher than the checker's."
I check the version of stm32ai application:
Neural Network Tools for STM32AI v1.5.1 (STM.ai v7.0.0-RC8)
- Python version : 3.7.9
- Numpy version : 1.19.5
- TF version : 2.5.0
- TF Keras version : 2.5.0
- ONNX version : 1.6.0
- ONNX RT version : 1.7.0
I used the MatLab command "exportONNXNetwork()" and its documentation says that this function supports ONNX intermediate representation version 6.
From ONNX versioning table looks like ONNX 1.6.0 supports IR version 6.
Can I change the IR version in stm32ai application? How can I do it?
Thanks in advance.