2024-03-18 3:22 AM
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The error are:
TEMPLATE - initialization
TEMPLATE - Error (ai_network_create_and_init) - type=0x33 code=0x41
and I also have another issue is when I using .h5 file to generate .c from X-CUBE-AI library, STM32CUBEMX
Analyzing model warning
E010(InvalidModelError): Model file is not a HDF5 file: E:\AST32WB55PACK\1\3.2-xgb_classifier_model.h5
2024-03-19 6:07 AM
2024-03-19 7:38 AM
yes, I have already solved the problem one, but the second problem haven't
when I using .h5 file to generate .c from X-CUBE-AI library, STM32CUBEMX
Analyzing model warning
E010(InvalidModelError): Model file is not a HDF5 file: E:\AST32WB55PACK\1\3.2-xgb_classifier_model.h5
2024-03-19 7:45 AM
To be honest I haven't used .h5 files either, you can ask someone else again.
2024-03-19 7:49 AM
ok, thank you very much!!!!!!