2023-05-16 2:15 AM - edited 2023-11-20 5:21 AM
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am getting an error "Analyze fail on the AI model" when I analyze a network using "STM32Cube.AI runtime" (see the snapshot below).
I just train a simple AI model (https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HBsuTW2gGAoPgWnkpwXiXI7JHXR05lrG?usp=sharing#scrollTo=eFymXEWBwarM) and want to execute a model (sine_model.tflite) on the board.
However, when I want to analyze the network, I get this error "Analyze fail on the AI model".
I am using the latest version (1.12.1) of STM32CubeIDE and X-Cube-AI(8.0.1). I work on Apple M1 Pro (Macbook Pro).
Could you please provide a solution so that I can analyze the network on STM32CubeIDE?