2019-05-31 1:46 AM
Following the steps in the video “Getting Started Video with STM32Cube.AI�?, I can see ‘har_github.h5’ which have model picture as follows:
But when I analyze my project which have virtual model as follows:
And Error ‘invalid network’ appears when I Analyze the model by cubeMX software
I guess may be the yolo.h5 model is too complex to analyze
I want to ask what should I do next to migrate yolo.h5 to cubeMX software ?
2019-06-03 3:09 AM
This network has multiple input / output that are not supported yet in the tool.
That said the network is certainly too complex to run on a STM32 and the size of the weights is probably too big to fit in any STM32 internal flash.
2019-08-20 7:17 AM
I think you may have not downloaded the model correctly. Please clone the repository and then use the .h5 file. If you have downloaded from GIT, ensure you have downloaded raw data and no GIT tags are present in file. That might be the possible reason for "Invalid Network" error.