2015-04-22 2:47 AM
I am trying to use standard header files - string.h, stdint.h with SPC5Studio. When included to the project, it displays a message as 'unresolved inclusion <string.h>'. What can be done to resolve this? Whether SPC5Studio supports these type of standard header files or not? Whether need to add these files externally? If yes, which files to use for this?
Thanks in advance.Mike.2015-04-22 4:59 AM
It is harmless, Eclipse is unable to find them. You can add the paths to the project options. We will look into making Eclipse CDT discover them automatically. Giovanni2015-04-22 5:32 AM
Hello Mike ,
it is just a configuration issue. SPC5Studio is using CDT Environment (from eclipse community)for the hightec compiler :
1) open the Properties of your project, expand ''C/C++ General'' and select ''Paths and Symbols''. 2) Click on GNU C and Add Add this following directory c:\SPC5Studio\eclipse\plugins\com.st.tools.spc5.tools.hightec_1.0.0.201306281422\hightec\ppc-ht-eabi\include\ (Cf Screenshot) Best regards Erwan ________________ Attachments : 2015-04-22_142947.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0YP&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000baL%2FZN5T62tRevlvTi1sYC_g6hgi8Vh85dB3doNbVN_n5Y4&asPdf=false2015-04-23 1:50 AM
Thanks Erwan. I tried including the below path and I see some warning for folder not available or not accessible. Please find below attached image. Please let me know further actions. Thanks.
Mike. ________________ Attachments : ST_SPC_Folder_path_error_01.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtfA&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aVW%2Fr8GMeGLx_EsoDx4YxlSdeKSOcLXH5ksIzmJUSto7Xbk&asPdf=false2015-04-23 1:57 AM
It looks to be an access issue. I checked for the folder and is available on my machine.
'C:\SPC5Studio\eclipse\plugins\com.st.tools.spc5.tools.hightec_1.0.0.201306281422\hightec\ppc-ht-eabi\include'How to assign/change access for this folder for SPC5Studio? How to configure it?Thanks.Mike.2015-04-27 1:26 AM
Hello Mike ,
Strange , Your environment is ''/'' compliant Could you try :C:/SPC5Studio/eclipse/plugins/com.st.tools.spc5.tools.hightec_1.0.0.201306281422/hightec/ppc-ht-eabi/includeor to set manually the path by add ? Best Regards Erwan2015-04-27 2:06 AM
The result is same as below. Please find attached.
Thanks. Mike. ________________ Attachments : ST_SPC_Folder_path_error_02.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtfK&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aVY%2Fm6bq.bqau5uyH6ysPD7meUIhm7VL_wW3b8d3CZKYGfA&asPdf=false2015-04-28 1:41 AM
Hello Mike ,
your CDT Environment is very strange.it should be ''\'' and not ''/''and Paths and Symbols should be in C/C++ General.Could you try to switch of eclipse workspace ?if the problem persists , i will send to you our last release by email.for your information , SPC5Studio will switch from juno eclipse to Luna eclipse (Cf www.eclipse.org) Best regards Erwan2015-05-07 10:54 PM
Hello Erwan,
Per your suggestion, I tried switching the workspace and adding below mentioned path to it. The observation is I still see the warning as 'folder not available or not accessible' but surprisingly the '?' symbol in front of the #include statement saying 'Unresolved Inclusion' remark is not seen. While both the things are observed in another workspace. Why is this different behavior for workspaces? Is any settings missing or required for the workspace?Secondly, can you please send the latest release you mentioned below? I have already upgraded to 3.4.5.Thanks in advance.Mike.2015-05-13 2:21 AM
''?'' is on which include file ? Best Regards Erwan