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Unkown Problem in SPCStudio compiler

Associate II
Posted on May 11, 2016 at 08:58

Hello Erwan,

I have a problem with spcstudio compiler i guess.

my project have 3 section :

1.initialize modules like CAN-LIN-Serial-ADC-PWM-Timer

2.Read From eeprom

3.Main Loop with 50 cases in while(1)

in one switches when i check some data the MCU goes to sleep mode ,

some times the MCU go to sleep correctly  but some times the MCU not go to sleep correctly i think the compiler have some problems with this issue because when i compile the code with some enters between lines or some condition happen in code the program work correctly all time but if i add new code or some changes happen in code the MCU not correctly go to sleep.

I use this functions u send for me :

__attribute__ ((section (''.codeinram''))) void gotoStandbyMode(void)


    WKUP.WISR.R = 0x00040000;        //Clear interrupt flag



        if (OSAL_FAILED == halSPCSetRunMode(SPC5_RUNMODE_STANDBY))//






__attribute__ ((section (''.codeinram''))) void gotoRunMode(void)


        if (OSAL_FAILED == halSPCSetRunMode(SPC5_RUNMODE_DRUN))





i change the application.ld with the sample u send for me .

Your earliest help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Nazerian Vanima
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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on May 11, 2016 at 11:50

Hello Vanima ,

Could you confirm your compiler used 

(hightec, freegcc or GHS)

Are you on SPC5studio 4.1.0  ?

Best regards


Associate II
Posted on May 14, 2016 at 10:25

Hi Erwan

Thanks for your fast response

I found The problem it is not for compiler , the LINFLEX Driver cause the MCU not go to sleep mode .

I solve this problem .

Thanks so much .

Best Regards

Nazerian Vanima