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SPC5Studio IDE Licensing and Programming the MCU Using a Debugger

Associate II

I am currently exploring the SPC5Studio IDE for developing applications on SPC5 family microcontrollers and have a couple of questions regarding its features:

1) Licensing Requirement:

Does SPC5Studio IDE require a licensed version for full functionality, or is there a free version available for all users?
If there is a free version, are there any restrictions or limitations in its features compared to the licensed version?

2) Programming the MCU Using a Debugger:

How can I program the SPC5 family microcontroller using a debugger in SPC5Studio?
What are the supported debuggers and programming interfaces (e.g., JTAG, SWD) for this IDE?
Is there a step-by-step guide available to configure and use the debugger for programming and debugging SPC5 MCUs in SPC5Studio?
3) HAL Layer Support:

Does SPC5Studio provide support for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for SPC5 family microcontrollers?

I would appreciate any insights or official documentation regarding these topics.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!




We are also exploring the same for one of our automotive applications. We have made some progress in our exploration. We recently purchased the SPC56 evaluation board and the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK debugger.


1. Yes, as far as I know, SPC5Studio is free, but I'm not sure about additional toolkits.

2. We bought the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK debugger because it was mentioned that support for SPC56 would be available by 2024. However, it seems that's not the case yet. In the meantime, we are ordering the SPC5-UDESTK  for debugging purposes. 

3. Yes. Most of the documentation is available in the respective MCU lines/series user manual, which we found sufficient to get started. 


