2015-01-26 7:57 AM
SPC5STudio 3.4.0 is available !
Dear Users,
The 3.4.0 release is now available on the update site.Here are is the change logSPC5STUDIO CORE :- Patch mode: newly created project is already patched- Implementing invisible groups- Allow user to patch components/lib/ files: V2- Patch mode : patch.xml to be hidden / Default / Grey Decorators- Implement Hidden propertiesSPC5STUDIO Repository :- Create NIL RTOS SPC560Bxx Test Application for DiscoverySPC5STUDIO Pinmap :- Unable to Set more than 10 pin in PinMap WizardSPC5-HAL :- CAN Naming convention : Change the id number of Filter Settings- The message buffers Tx/Rx Configuration in CAN module are fixed- The incorrect registers bits definitions and driver data structures and types in hal_lld.h head file- eMIOS channels 1,3,5,6,2,4,11,13 are not usable for ICU- PWM/ICU functions on eMIOSNIL RTOS :- New feature for SPC560BxxWe wish you a happy usage.The SPC5Studio team. #latest-release2015-01-28 6:05 AM
Hello Erwan,
From where can I download the latest release? I tried from 'spc5.drive.cloudforge.com/projects/spc5releases/' but I am not finding it here. What is the update site?Please help. Thanks in advance.Mike.2015-01-30 2:06 AM
Hello Mike ,
You have to use the menu :Help ==> Install New softwareand pick on SPC5Studio Update sitedo not forget to put your proxy settings in Windows ==> Preferences (Network) Best Regards Erwan2015-01-30 3:02 AM
Hello Erwan,
How to download in case the PC is not having the internet connection? I am using SPC5Studio on a lab PC where internet connection is not available.Thanks.Mike.2015-02-06 6:25 AM
Hello Mike ,
in the next days , we will send you a direct link to download the patch by ZIP File Best regards Erwan2015-02-08 9:57 PM
Thanks Erwan. I am eagerly waiting for the link!! Look forward to receive it at the earliest.