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SPC574S Issue with UDESTK debugger

Associate II

Hi All,

I am working on SPC574S64 Controller

I am using the sample code from the SPC5 Studio

PIT Time which toggles the port for 4ms, 2ms and 1ms

I have also observed one more issue with the crystal, I couldn't see the oscillation but could be my logic analyzer couldn't capture I guess

Today I am seeing a strange issue with my board.

When the debugger is connected to the board, the code is running fine

I could see the port toggling for the timer Interrupts

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000biB6VQAU.pngbut when the debugger is removed the code doesn't run and the port toggling is like random or garbage toggles which are inconsistent


I have checked the crystal oscillator​ frequency but I only have a logic analyser which is of 24Ms/sec not sure if it is capable of capturing

I checked with it but I couldn't see the oscillations are proper

Kindly suggest, how to debug this