2015-08-12 6:03 AM
I am using software watchdog timer (SWT) for the SPC560D40 MCU. What is the 'out of reset' situation for the SWT?Best Regards,Mike. #swt2015-08-17 2:44 AM
Hello Mike ,
it depends of your configuration :on SWT_CR, there is a bit to set your ''out of reset''ITRInterrupt Then Reset.0 = Generate a reset on a time-out1 = Generate an interrupt on an initial time-out, reset on a second consecutive time-out Best regards Erwan2015-08-18 1:02 AM
As per reference manual, the reset state for ITR is 0 i.e. generate a reset on timeout but What will be the default value used to decide the timeout (before it is initialized to some value)?
Best Regards,Mike.2015-08-19 4:58 AM
Hello Mike ,
The default value is Default counter value (SWT_TO_RST) is 1280 (0x00000500 hexadecimal)whichcorrespond to around 10 ms with a 128 kHz clock. Best Regards Erwan2015-08-19 7:38 AM
The default value is considering 128KHz clock but I am using 8MHz external XTAL. In this case what will be the value for timeout at the time of reset?
Mike.2015-08-24 2:21 AM
Hello Mike ,
The unique SWT counter clock is the undivided slow internal RC oscillator 128 kHz(SIRC), no other clock source can be selected Best Regards Erwan