2022-10-03 10:44 AM
I am setting up a development environment with SPC5-Studio, Discovery Plus Kit for SPC56 L line (with SPC56EL70L5 MCU) and SPC5-UDESDK JTAG debugger.
Initially I was able to set up the SPC5-Studio and upload an example application (LED blinker), but after rebooting my PC the UDE STK tool stopped connecting. No matter what settings I use - the result is the same, the debugger can not connect to the board. I tried reinstalling, UDE and SPC5-Studio to no avail.
To debug the problem I have connected a logic probe to the SPC5-UDESTK pins (TCK, TDI, TDO) and I see absolutely no activity on those pins when I attempt to connect with the UDE STK software.
It seems that the SPC5-UDESTK device stopped functioning correctly. The Windows OS detects the SPC5-UDESTK device correctly.
What can I do to restore the functionality of the SPC5-UDESTK device?
2022-10-05 7:15 AM
Hello Konstantin ,
could you check your PLS USB/JTAG by FT_Prog
https://ftdichip.com/utilities/ ?
Best regards
2022-10-06 9:23 AM
Device is detected. What I should be looking at?
XML template is available here: https://pastebin.com/raw/Dtbc9RAv
2022-10-06 9:29 AM
2022-10-06 9:31 AM
Photo of the device, connected to the EVB:
2022-10-10 2:54 AM
Maybe a reset escalation
2022-10-10 3:04 AM
Reset escalation is hardly an answer as power cycling doesn't solve it.
See also my initial comment, especially this part:
To debug the problem I have connected a logic probe to the SPC5-UDESTK pins (TCK, TDI, TDO) and I see absolutely no activity on those pins when I attempt to connect with the UDE STK software.
There is no activity on the JTAG pins when I press the "connect" in the UDE STK debugger software.
2022-10-10 11:08 AM
Dear ST!
Please kindly consider actually looking into the issue, rather than guessing what it could be. Please also consider reopening the support case #00165293 which you have closed without providing a resolution.
If you need more information to troubleshoot this I would be happy to provide it.