2013-10-26 11:29 AM
I would like to know if SPC5 Studio and ChibiOS can be used as tool chain for Freescale MPC5634 which has similar Core to ST SPC563M: E200z3 ?
#spc5studio2013-10-28 1:24 AM
Technically, the two devices are exactly the same so the generated code can be used. I would verify the SPC5Studio license agreement however, not sure if there is something there preventing it. Giovanni2013-10-28 3:14 PM
as per licence agreement accepted during the download, SPC5 studio can be used only in combination with STMicroelectronics microcontrollers. Is there a specific reason to keep using Freescale part numbers? From ST you can get equivalent products and using ST microcontrollers you gain the rights to use SPC5studio suite for free. if you have any specific need to facilitate the switch please let un know. Every customer is welcome @ST. best regards Luca