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SPC564A example project

Associate II
Posted on May 16, 2013 at 16:03

1. Is there an example project available for the SPC564A?

2. More specifically, is there a SPC5 Studio BSP for the eval board that ST and Freescale jointly sell?

3. Is there any support for the eTPU2 in SPC5 Studio and/or is any support planned?

I am impressed by the SPC5 Studio software, but because of the unusual way it creates projects (the component concept) it will be very difficult to use without an example. I know that it is possible to create a new component, but without at least a minimal example you would be effectively porting the entire environment to a new architecture. 
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Posted on May 18, 2013 at 14:41

Hi Kevin,

I can answer to some of your questions.

1.SPC5Studio 1.1 will contain several examples for SPC564Axx and related drivers. It will be released in matter of days.

2.Yes, all examples will work on that board.

3. TBD

About components, the new components framework in SPC5Studio 1.1 (named SPC5-HAL) will be handled as an open source project (Apache 2.0 license) and all the included components will be available it their ''project'' form, you will have plenty examples to start from.

Creating components is really easy and convenient but it is still possible to add ''normal source code'' to projects, just add your C/C++ files under ./source and edit ''user.mak'' to make them compile together with the components.
