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Regarding the CAN Receiver on the EVAL board.

Associate II

i am using SPC58nh92, I have configured the TX and RX pins as follow PA[10] and PA[11] respectively. But i am able to transmit message and view the message in CANOE tools,if i am trying to send msg from CANOE tool to CHIP it is showing TXerr in CANOE.Is there any Factors need to be conside other than pin mapping and wiring.

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Associate III

Hi Rubavenkatesh,

Could you please provide info about what kind of error you are seeing in CANOE trace window, say stuff error, acknowledgement error and so on?



Associate II

Hello Prashanth,

I am getting some times ACK slot error, if i Change some wiring or jumper configuration i get bit stuff error.

Thanks in advance,

Babu Ramaraj

Associate III

Hello Babu Ramaraj,

Okay, then keep the jumper/wiring configuration in ACK slot error, which means the bus is active and the message is arbitrating from CANOE on the bus.

Now, check you Rx callback to receive the identifier of CANOE Tx message.



Associate II

Hello Prasanth,

For you Clarification i have attached the error message from CANOE  

  Time     Chn    ID   Name   Event Type  Dir    DLC   Data                           

 [-] 95.827896  CAN 1         CAN Error  TxErr      ECC: 11011001, Other Type of Error, Segment = ACK Slot  

    | ECC    11011001        

    | Code   Other Type of Error  

    | Segment  ACK Slot        

and in tht IG block my message configuration ad follows:0690X000008BgvjQAC.png

Rx callback function i am checking the identifier:

void mcanconf1_fifo0rx(uint32_t msgbuf, CANRxFrame crfp) {

 if (crfp.ID == 0x05U) {

  pal_lld_togglepad(PORT_A, PA_LED3);




but even though it is failing.Can you help me with this.?

it will be helpful for me

Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hi Rubavenkatesh,

Sorry i am not familiar with CANOE.

Could you check the CAN IP by debugger in SPC58nh92 ?

Best Regards


Associate III

Hi Babu,

I'm not sure whether this could help, make sure you have unchecked Loopback! Given that fact that you could transmit, it means you have already did it, but I'm not able to get it otherwise.




Associate II

i already did it from board to CANOE. i am able to see the message which are send from board.but if i try the vice versa it fails.

yes i can see that .