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New Project does not show up in Project Explorer

Associate III
Posted on October 18, 2013 at 16:46

I just installed SPC5Studio, and tried to create new project called FirstSPC5Project.  I went through File->New->C Project and created the Hello World project.  I chose to put project in a custom location.  The project seems to have been created and put where I expect on my hard drive but it does not show up in the Project Explorer.  The only things I get in the project explorer are a bunch of example projects.

I've attached a word file with a screen shot showing that the project is not there.  Any help is appreciated.  This is indeed my first SPC5 project so it is quite possible I am missing something obvious.
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Associate III
Posted on October 18, 2013 at 23:24

Well- I went and created a SPC5 Project and got the same results- did not show up in Project Explorer.  I opened the C/C++ Projects window, and it did appear there- along with every built in project under the SPC5Studio Directory.  When I removed the built in projects from the workspace, my new project appeared in the Projects Explorer window.

Any ideas why?

Posted on October 21, 2013 at 10:20


The workspace is organized in ''Working Sets'', after creating a project you have to associate it to one of the existing working set or to a newly created working set. Right click on one of the working sets in order to associate the project and select ''properties''.

In the project explorer toolbar there is an option to create new working sets (Select Working Set...).

You may also decide that you don't want working set and just have a list of projects (the default Eclipse setting).
