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make build boot.o error 2 on version 4.0

Associate III
Posted on December 23, 2015 at 13:34

Good mornig.

I recently installed SPC5Studio 4.0 after SPC5Studio 3.5. 

I followed the guide, installed the GCC compiler and components. Then I imported the project on which I was warking. From that moment the compiler give me the same error:

make all 

Compiling boot.s

process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, ppc-vle-gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -c -mcpu=e200zx -meabi -msdata=none -mnew-mnemonics -mregnames -mvle -Wa,-amhls=build/lst/boot.lst -DPPC_USE_VLE=1 -MD -MP -MF .dep/boot.o.d -I. -I./components/portable_spc5_hal_component/lib/include -I./components/spc56elxx_hal_drivers_component/lib/include -I./components/spc56elxx_osal_component/lib/include -I./components/spc56elxx_platform_component/cfg -I./components/portable_spc5_hal_component/cfg -I./components/spc56elxx_hal_board_initialization_component/cfg -I./components/spc56elxx_hal_drivers_component/cfg -I./components/spc56elxx_osal_component/cfg -I./source/ -I./source/Comm/ -I./source/Measures/ -I./source/ReadConfig/ -I./source/WaveGen/ -I./components ./components/spc56elxx_platform_component/lib/src/boot.s -o build/obj/boot.o, ...) failed.

make (e=2): Impossibile trovare il file specificato.

make: *** [build/obj/boot.o] Error 2

I verified the paths and the file boot.s is present in the project directory.

I clened the project and the components generated, re-generated the components sources and then compield, with the same results.

It is not clear what has changed with the new installation.

After some investigations, I discovered a difference on the Makefile generated by the SPC5Studio generation process. In the compiler settings, in the makefile at the root of the project, there is this line:

TRGT = ppc-vle-eabi-

Using this option the compiler doesn't find the boot.s file.

I tried to generate a new application via application wizard for testing and this works. Looking at the makefile, it seems that the difference is:

TRGT = ppc-freevle-eabi-

I changed the ootion in the makefile generated and with this option the compiling proceeds. 

But the compiling process stops on one of my source files, givin me a segmentation fault of the compiler.

I have just installed the new version 4.0 of SPC5Studio and the compiler FreePowerPC-VLE GCC 4.6.3 toolchain from the SPC5 Studio Market place.


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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on December 24, 2015 at 10:38

Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on December 24, 2015 at 10:49

Hello Ivan ,

Sorry ,

It is a pity ''company'' web site does not support answer from Android devices ;)

Could you confirm the installed version is well 4.0 ?

ppc-vle-gcc is the hightec compiler. (I think that your option is set in the hightec one)

ppc-free-vle-gcc is the free compiler

you have to take care to install the good one via marketplace and set the good option in the build settings.

        Merry christmas.


Associate III
Posted on December 28, 2015 at 09:07

Thanks for the reply.

I confirm that I have version 4.0 installed and that I have resolved.

The problem was that I thincked that, after the FreeGCC compiler installation, the option of using it wold be ready available. It was not the case, because I had imported a project from version 3.5, where I was using the HighTech compiler (trial).

So the configuration.xml used that compiler and, when I generated the makefile, the compiler set was the Hightech.

I opened the configuration.xml file and edited there the compiler setting, setting the <value> of <compiler_variant index=''0''> node to  ''ppc-freevle-eabi-'' and now the makefile generated use the correct compiler.
