2015-12-23 4:34 AM
Good mornig.
I recently installed SPC5Studio 4.0 after SPC5Studio 3.5. I followed the guide, installed the GCC compiler and components. Then I imported the project on which I was warking. From that moment the compiler give me the same error:make all Compiling boot.sprocess_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, ppc-vle-gcc -x assembler-with-cpp -c -mcpu=e200zx -meabi -msdata=none -mnew-mnemonics -mregnames -mvle -Wa,-amhls=build/lst/boot.lst -DPPC_USE_VLE=1 -MD -MP -MF .dep/boot.o.d -I. -I./components/portable_spc5_hal_component/lib/include -I./components/spc56elxx_hal_drivers_component/lib/include -I./components/spc56elxx_osal_component/lib/include -I./components/spc56elxx_platform_component/cfg -I./components/portable_spc5_hal_component/cfg -I./components/spc56elxx_hal_board_initialization_component/cfg -I./components/spc56elxx_hal_drivers_component/cfg -I./components/spc56elxx_osal_component/cfg -I./source/ -I./source/Comm/ -I./source/Measures/ -I./source/ReadConfig/ -I./source/WaveGen/ -I./components ./components/spc56elxx_platform_component/lib/src/boot.s -o build/obj/boot.o, ...) failed.make (e=2): Impossibile trovare il file specificato.make: *** [build/obj/boot.o] Error 2I verified the paths and the file boot.s is present in the project directory.I clened the project and the components generated, re-generated the components sources and then compield, with the same results.It is not clear what has changed with the new installation.After some investigations, I discovered a difference on the Makefile generated by the SPC5Studio generation process. In the compiler settings, in the makefile at the root of the project, there is this line:TRGT = ppc-vle-eabi-Using this option the compiler doesn't find the boot.s file.I tried to generate a new application via application wizard for testing and this works. Looking at the makefile, it seems that the difference is:TRGT = ppc-freevle-eabi-I changed the ootion in the makefile generated and with this option the compiling proceeds. But the compiling process stops on one of my source files, givin me a segmentation fault of the compiler.I have just installed the new version 4.0 of SPC5Studio and the compiler FreePowerPC-VLE GCC 4.6.3 toolchain from the SPC5 Studio Market place.Thanks. #make-boot.s-error22015-12-24 1:38 AM
2015-12-24 1:49 AM
Hello Ivan ,
Sorry , It is a pity ...my ''company'' web site does not support answer from Android devices ;) Could you confirm the installed version is well 4.0 ? ppc-vle-gcc is the hightec compiler. (I think that your option is set in the hightec one) ppc-free-vle-gcc is the free compiler you have to take care to install the good one via marketplace and set the good option in the build settings. Merry christmas. Erwan2015-12-28 12:07 AM
Thanks for the reply.
I confirm that I have version 4.0 installed and that I have resolved.The problem was that I thincked that, after the FreeGCC compiler installation, the option of using it wold be ready available. It was not the case, because I had imported a project from version 3.5, where I was using the HighTech compiler (trial). So the configuration.xml used that compiler and, when I generated the makefile, the compiler set was the Hightech.I opened the configuration.xml file and edited there the compiler setting, setting the <value> of <compiler_variant index=''0''> node to ''ppc-freevle-eabi-'' and now the makefile generated use the correct compiler.Regards.