2022-09-15 9:42 AM
I'm new in SPC5 world.
I would like to use SPC5-Studio to start my project on a SPC582B product and I would like to be able to debug it.
I have a probe SPC5-UDESTK that I have used to flash a project compiled with SPC5-Studio.
It is not clear if I need to by some licences or if I can continue with free licence.
I have also read that the debug purposes of SPC5-studio is only available on STM development kits. Is-it the case ?
Do I need to use PLS UDE STK tool to debug a project or, is-it possible using SPC5-studio directly ? do I need to buy a new licence in order to debug ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-09-16 1:06 AM
for SPC582B-DIS , (Discovery Kit)
you do need SPC5-UDESTK just a USB Mini cable is enough to flash and debug
for SPC582B (Motherboard and Mini-Module)
you need SPC5-UDESTK and USB Mini cable
It includes a perpetual, full-feature, limited code-size (256 kBytes) license. (Flash and debug)
it is often enough for projects
Best Regards
2022-09-16 1:06 AM
for SPC582B-DIS , (Discovery Kit)
you do need SPC5-UDESTK just a USB Mini cable is enough to flash and debug
for SPC582B (Motherboard and Mini-Module)
you need SPC5-UDESTK and USB Mini cable
It includes a perpetual, full-feature, limited code-size (256 kBytes) license. (Flash and debug)
it is often enough for projects
Best Regards
2022-09-16 1:34 AM
Thanks for your answer.
But, if I do not use a STM board (I have a prototype done by a customer), is SPC5 studio able to debug on it ?
We plan to make a new project based on the same SPC582B or 4B chip and I would like to use this board to work on it during the pre-study.
2022-09-16 1:43 AM
Hello Christophe ,
I hope that the JTAG port is well present and well plugged in your prototype board.
SPC5-UDESTK could be plugged.
Anyway , SPC5 Studio is eclipse based.
It is possible to install to additional plugins (TRACE32,PLS UDE or others compliant for PPC VLE e200z) , debug and flash.
Best Regards
2022-09-16 4:54 AM
Yes, on the previous project, JTAG was used to flash the board only so, I assume that it is physicaly OK.
Thanks for the info about plugins, I have just installed the UDE plugin.
I will check how many signals are available in the JTAG interface but, as we have already a trace32 probe (even if I suppose that we need a specific interface for SPC5), it could be interresting to use it during this pre-study.
2022-09-16 6:26 PM
Hi, I create spc5-udestk from the SPC574 discovery board schematic.
Anyone willing to send me the ude memtool flash programmer?