2022-03-10 4:07 AM
In this I can able to download bin file from UART next step jump to app in this step not working if any one have idea please help .......
Thanks advance ...
2022-03-17 2:27 AM
Yes sir ,
Step 2 working fine.
2022-03-17 2:32 AM
Ok good.
Step 3) spc5loader.zip
This is the PC tool to use with bootloader
***Do not use PLS anymore***
Assuming you flased my bootloader binary from step 2)
connect an USB cable from your PC to the MCU Dicsovery2 USB
launch the spc5loader tool and configure it with good COM and the application binary out.bin from Step 1)
*** Use out.bin from PIT application zip ***
then switch ON the board
only LED1 should be ON
and click on Program within 5 sec
if load works correctly, at the end you should have LED1 ON and LED2 ON
then reboot the MCU, you should see LED1 for 5 sec
and then the 3 LEDs should blink ever 1sec/2sec/4sec
Please do this step3 and let me know
2022-03-17 2:47 AM
Hi sir,
I loaded your bootloader using PLS done.
Restart MCU within 5 sec using spc5loader to load PIT code .Done.
Once flash completed both LED1 ON and LED2 ON done.
Restart MCU again.
first 5 sec LED 1 ON.
After 5 Sec our PIT code running ( 3 LEDs should blink ever 1sec/2sec/4sec) .
Using this tool spc5loader work fine sir.
But using other MCU what can i do sir.
2022-03-17 2:55 AM
OK good,
So first conclusion, your board in working normally with default bootloader system via USB
now Step4 ) We will do the same than step3 but with your own application binary
***Do not use PLS anymore ***
***Keep my Bootlader in your board flash at 0xFC0000***
Use spc5loader to download YOUR application binary via USB
Then when rebooting the bard, you shoud see LED1 ON for 5 sec
and then you should see your application starting
please do this Step4) and tell me if your application is starting 5sec after switch ON the board, and works fine
Please let me know
2022-03-17 3:07 AM
Hi sir,
1.I keep your bootloader.
2.Flash my app code using spc5loader via USB.
3.Then restart MCU.
4.After 5 sec my code running sir.
2022-03-17 3:30 AM
Thank you Sir, good !
So new conclusion, your Application program is working perfectly
1) Now let's look at your bootloader program which is using LIN6 instead of LIN4
and pinmap PD14/PD15 instead of PA0/PG15
do you confirm ?
2) Let's look to your connections
There is a big 4*37 connector X9 on the side of your board
each pin named vertically with a character among ABCD, and horizontally with a number from 1 to 37
Do you confirm you connect to the other board using pins D2 and D11 ?
SPC584B LIN6 TXD D11 => RX on other MCU host
SPC584B LIN6 RXD D2 => TX on other MCU host
2022-03-17 3:36 AM
Hi sir,
SPC584B LIN6 TXD D11 => RX on other MCU host
SPC584B LIN6 RXD D2 => TX on other MCU host
Yes sir I connected this LIN6 only. big 4*37 connector X9 D1 and D11 pin connected to other MCU.
2022-03-17 3:47 AM
Hi sir,
I attached the my bootloader code for your reference.
Only difference from SPC5 example code I done following changes
1.Defalt code CAN interface I changed to serial .
2.I used LIN6 bard rate of 115200bps .
2022-03-17 6:02 AM
I received and tested your soft on my board (reconfigured to LIN4 to use USB) and it works fine
I wonder if you could test with LIN0:
PE10 to program LIN0_RXD and pin A10 on X9 connector
PE11 to program LIN0_TXD and pin D1 on X9 connector
Use LINFLEX_0 insdtead of LINFLEX_6 in your config
2022-03-17 6:07 AM