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Hi Guys, I am working on SPC584B-DISP Board.In this board i need bootloader option so that i am try to use example SPC584Bxx_RLA Bootloader Test Application for Discovery 2 .In this example download code from serial UART .

Ravi S
Associate II

In this I can able to download bin file from UART next step jump to app in this step not working if any one have idea please help .......

Thanks advance ...

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ST Employee


I suppose you want to flash your program via USB/uart

Then you need to configure the connection in SERIAL instead of CAN

and use peripheral LINFLEX_4 at 1152000693W00000KcED5QAN.pngThen in the PINMAP wizard, you have to configure the PIN 113 (port PA[0]) in input LIN4_RXD0693W00000KcEFBQA3.png 

On PC tool side, also use 115200 baud rate

Best regard,


ST Employee


it also needs to configure pin 114 in with LIN4_TX because the embedded firmware updater must answer to PC flash loader:0693W00000KcSrsQAF.pngBest regards,


Ravi S
Associate II

Hi sir ,

Thanks for your replay

Sorry for the late reply

I already dune everything above you mentioned but code not jump to latest code .see my configuration on below screenshot


Ravi S
Associate II

Hi sir,

Currently I am facing two problems.

Problem 1:-

First I loaded bootloader code into debug mode (Load to RAM -0x00FC0000).


send the password ,size ,bin file from other controller I can able to write all bin file into 0x01000000 location .

Then while debug I restart the code and I put the breakpoint into inside updater_jump() function .pointer coming to inside the jump to function but new code not executed.

Problem 2:-

I loaded bootloader code into flash (Execute from Flash -0x00FC0000).

Run the code first step I send password from other controller I got response from SPC 5 MCU.

Then I send Size from other controller I am not getting any response from SPC5.

I fount issue with flasherase function.In this function working fine while debug mode but run from flash code stuck into this flasherase function .

I attached screenshot for your reference

0693W00000KceN1QAJ.pngyou have any idea pls let me know.

Thanks regards



ST Employee


on your first image, I recommend to choose a timout of 5000 ms

on your second image, choose LINFLEX_4

on your third image, configure pin 113 and pin 114 on LINFLEX_4

Best regards,


Ravi S
Associate II

Hi sir

on your first image, I recommend to choose a timout of 5000 ms

That also I tried I am facing same issue.Ok I will change.

on your second image, choose LINFLEX_4

If I use LINFLEX_6 it make any problem sir.

on your third image, configure pin 113 and pin 114 on LINFLEX_4

LINFLEX_6 make any problem tell me sir then i will change to this pin .

Thanks regards


ST Employee

There is no issue with LINFLEX_6,

but the UART/USB is connected on LINFLEX_4 on this board:0693W00000KceW8QAJ.pngso if you want to flash with USB, you need to use LINFLEX_4



Ravi S
Associate II

HI sir

Thanks for your replay .

I want to flash code from other controller via UART .If I connected LINFLEX_6 to my other controller then my setting is Ok right . I attached the picture for your reference.

0693W00000KceiOQAR.jpgMy aim is

I want to upload spc584b-disp board via Uart from other MCU .

Thanks regards


ST Employee

I got it,

you don't use PC tool connected to USB, but another MCU is connected to LINFLEX6 in serial mode to flash the SPC584B.


I will forward your question to a bootloader/flash expert.

