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FlexCAN SPC563M-DISP Test application

Marco Perciavalle
Associate II
Posted on March 07, 2017 at 18:57


I've tested 'SPC563Mxx_RLA CAN Test Application for Discovery' avaible on SPCStudio 5.0.0. This application uses Can loopback to send to itself and receive CAN messages. How can I edit the code in order to create a communication between two same boards? Is CAN_A or CAN_C terminals enabled for this purpose or should I enable them manually in pinMap Wizard? To which teminal is associated CAND1 class? I've tried to write a code but it doesn't work.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.


#can #spc563m
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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on March 08, 2017 at 17:16

Hello Marco ,

yes , the Pinmap should be set correctly

use the pinmap wizard.

CAND1 is Flexcan0

/** @brief CAN1 driver identifier.*/
#if SPC5_CAN_USE_FLEXCAN0 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
CANDriver CAND1;
/** @brief CAN2 driver identifier.*/
#if SPC5_CAN_USE_FLEXCAN1 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
CANDriver CAND2;

you should disable Loopback between 2 boards and well configured TxRx

Best regards
