2022-03-25 1:47 AM
we are trying to use LONG_FUNC_RESET as a fault reaction. However, I have a problem: how to read fault information, such as which fault channel lead to this long functional reset, after reset? From the FCCU RF_S/ N2FF_STATUS register?
To analysis this, I took the test:
I used Fault Channel #8 for the test, set to LONG_FUNC_RESET, Reset occurs after running the software. The cause of the failure cannot be observed from the RF_S register. The expected result should be the bit position 1 corresponding to Fault Channel #8 (RF_S0 256), not always the default (RF_S0 128, RF_S2 1048576); For the always the default, I set all faults to NO_RESET, and RF_S reads still as above after every time it is reset.look forward for feedback, thanks!
my email: 552963005@qq.com
2022-03-25 1:49 AM
addtion:the chip is SPC58EC80