2017-01-25 5:58 AM
Hello all,
We are facing some difficulties with FlexRay driver development for SPC564A80B4.
We can able to configure the Protocol Control Registers (PCR0~31) for FR configurations, so that ECU and FlexRay module successfully able to move to Normal Active state of Flexray communication.
Also message buffer configurations for Transmission and reception is also performed according to number slots.
Tool (CANalyser) is also configured with the same flexray configurations as ECU.
Now, when we are sending a frame from ECU in slot 64 (dynamic slot).
But we observed frame error/ SERR error in the CANlyser window, also payload length is observed as zero and slot ID is 64 is visible. (Please find the attached error snapshot SERR_error.jpg)
We would like to know what can be the possible reasons for this error.
Please let us know if any additional information is required.
Mahesh C
#flexraycommunication-driver-development-for-spc564a80b42017-01-26 7:05 AM
Hello Manesh ,
According to the RM, in the chapter 33.4.2
If the protocol engine is clocked by the internal PLL, the frequency of the PE clock source is
system clock / 3. The system clock frequency has to be 120 MHz.Did you clock your protocol Engine Clock ? on-chip crytal simulator or PLL ?
Protocol Engine Clock Source Select �? This bit is used to select the clock source for the protocolengine.0 PE clock source is generated by on-chip crystal oscillator1 PE clock source is generated by on-chip PLLHave you checked the different Status Register , Message Buffer Status Error and Channel A/B Status error?
Best Regards
2017-01-27 2:49 AM
Hello Erwan,
We using ext-crystal osc of 40Mhz as a PE clock.
2017-02-01 7:23 AM
Hello Mahesh ,
it is often a question of configuration , timing settings.
FlexRay is a difficult IP, with just bad timing setting , nothing can work.I am checking with experts.
Best regards
2017-02-01 8:35 PM
Hello Erwan,
As we are facing this issue blocking our further work. Project is under critical stage please do needful
2017-02-02 1:01 AM
Hello Mahesh ,
Honestly , you should try to solve your clock configuration (loss of clock) first because a timing issue on Flexray ip could trigger some synchro issues.
Did you use official AutoSAR Flexray MCAL driver ?
or it is your own driver ?
Best regards
2017-02-02 5:48 AM
Hello Erwan,
Our own driver