2013-10-03 11:24 AM
Hello! i have a trouble with setting volume level in TDA7468. I use a wiring diagram as datasheet, and send setting to this IC using the C code:
void writer(unsigned char adr_IC, unsigned char adr_reg,unsigned char data){i2c_start();i2c_write(adr_IC);i2c_write(adr_reg);i2c_write(data);i2c_stop();delay_ms(50);}writer (0x88,0x00,0x00); // input=in1writer (0x88,0x01,0x00);// input gaine=0 dBwriter (0x88,0x02,0x00); // surround=offwriter (0x88,0x03,0x00);// left volume=0dB maximumwriter (0x88,0x04,0x00);// right volume=0dB maximumwriter (0x88,0x05,0x77); //bass & treble = 0dBwriter (0x88,0x06,0x01); // MUTE=offwriter (0x88,0x07,0x00); // bass ALC=OFFbut the level of the output signal is significantly lower than the input signal. chip reacts to further change the tone level and volume level to down. please, explain how to set the volume level #tda74682014-02-14 4:15 AM
Hello Ellis,
This forum is dedicated to operational amplifiers, comparators and current sensing products. In order to be more efficient with appropriate answers, another e2e forum has been created for audio amplifiers. In order to have an accurate answer by our audio support team, would it be possible to copy/paste your question to the related forum please ? Here is the hyperlink shortcut :https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/analog/Lists/Audio%20Amplifiers/AllItems.aspx
Sorry for the inconvenience. Best regards, Sylvain2014-02-17 11:36 PM
hi Ellis ,
please check the output waveform with one channel audio input signal only, if the output is normal, please modify surround register setting data to 0x18 hex from 0x00 hex. thanks