Analog and audio

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Forum board changes

Dear community member, The “Analog and audio” topic is no longer supported on the ST community. The legacy content is available only by the read-only basis. If you have any requests regarding "Analog and audio”  topics, check the alternative support ...

Frequency change on audio

#define F_SAMPLE 48000.0f #define F_OUT 4000.0f #define PI 3.14159f   for(uint16_t i = 0; i < sample_N; i++) { sin = sinf(i * 2 * PI * sample_dt); dataI2S[i*2] = sin * 5000; dataI2S[i*2 + 1] =sin * 5000;   } HAL_I2S_Transmit_DMA(&hi...

The question for the Class-D audio amplifier IC "TDA7498"

Is the internal circuit of the terminal damaged if a surge voltage of 3.6V or higher is applied to the INP and INN terminals of the Class-D audio amplifier IC "TDA7498"?Is there an element in the chip to protect against the effects of surge voltage?

TS3011 schematic for datasheet figure 19

Figure 19 in the TS3011 datasheet is a recommended layout for this high-speed comparator. But there is no corresponding schematic diagram to indicate the purposes and values of the components. Where can I find this schematic diagram?

why gain is not 1 for LM324VIPT ?

Hello we have a circuit that is little sensitive, we are trying to read an analog accelerometer, our board is ready, but i noticed while working with LMV324LIPT as follower when the input voltage is higher than 4.5V the output saturates at this valu...

CO Gas Concentration Reading with the board P-Nucleo-IKA02A1.

Hello, ​I'm trying to tuning CO​ Gas reading value with the board P-Nucleo-IKA02A1.By the P-Nucleo-IKA02A1 BSP, Get_Gas_concentration function is belows..​float Get_Gas_concentration(float gain, float sens){ return ((float)Get_ADC_value(ANALOG_GAS_VA...

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