2023-02-28 12:48 AM
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.13.0 release information
New features
Fixed issues
65657 Add the checksum display as done for the ST-LINK utility.
115829 [TrustedPackageCreator] Register naming mismatch between reference manual and .csv file.
116552 Possible attack on OEM1KEY and OEM2KEY.
129709 External flash memory programming issues in auto mode.
132975 [STM32G0] Erase selected sectors does not work properly on 256-Kbyte devices.
135017 [STM32CubeProg-GUI] Message must be updated while disabling RDP regression with password value.
135436 [API] Unhandled exception in writeMemory().
136195 [STM32CubeProg][STM32C0] STM32C031C4T6: wrong flash memory size.
136233 [CLI] ST-LINK serial number is ignored in shared mode.
137687 [CLI] Missing data from hex file when using safelib.
138051 [STM32CubeProg] STM32L5 CLI displaying protected flash memory content.
140627 [STM32CubeProg][STM32G4 256 Kbytes][0x495] Erase selected sectors does not work properly on 256-Kbyte devices with dual-bank mode (reopen).
140973 [STM32CubeProg-Connection] Connection issues for STM32G031J4M6.
141725 [STM32CubeProg][STM32G0 0x466] User configuration option bytes programming failed.
142009 [[STM32CubeProg-Register_Viewer] NVIC_ISERx[1-4] addresses are incorrect in the register viewer.
142286 [STM32H5][STM32CubeProg] Cannot erase the flash memory when TZEN=0.
Known problems and limitations
2023-03-03 6:30 AM
The new GUI installer (since v2.12.0) prevents the STM32CubeProgrammer from being installed in a container. Is there a command line or headless variant of the installer for the STM32CubeProgrammer?
I have been using it (up to v2.11.0) as a development environment with the VSCode DevContainers Extension; it has been amazing! Now that I can no longer install STM32CubeProgrammer in the container, I'm having to switch over to OpenOCD for flashing and debugging. I would prefer to stick with ST, but I need a headless installer.
Is there any way to install the STM32CubeProgrammer without a GUI? If not, may I request this as a feature?