2021-05-13 9:53 AM
I am trying to understand the PDM2PCM conversion using I2S as the receiving protocol. Does anyone have an easy example for generating a single PCM sample from the PDM data bits? I am having some difficulty doing this using the VM3000 PDM MEMS microphone.
Any help would really be appreciated.
2021-05-17 11:30 AM
Hello @kcire L. ,
Which STM32 are using ?
Have a look at these resources, it may helpful for you depending to your needs.
The performances for PDM2PCM library and the Frequency required depends on the configuration of many factors : sampling Freq, resolution etc.
The UM2372 provides resources requirements for memories and frequency for a PCM sample rate and detailed the parameters for the configuration of the library.
Hope this helps you :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:!
2021-05-17 11:57 AM
Hi Yes, I have seen those resources you posted. I am using the NUCLEO-F401RE.
Any ideas on how to convert a single sample for each PDM_Filter() call?
2021-05-19 1:35 AM
I am checking if there is a PDM2PCM example
I will try to contact expert internally for helping and I will come back to you with details.
2021-05-19 5:17 AM
Thanks very much! I look forward to hearing back from you.
2021-06-02 1:02 AM
Hi @kcire L. ,
Sorry for my late reply, but I've found it difficult to come back to you as the expert was on leave.
and I just received a response from him that unfortunately there is no such example available.