2021-05-11 4:28 AM
We are currently using the BlueNRG-2 with GNU ARM GCC to compile and run everything. We based our projects on CMake and GNU GCC toolchain to build by using the examples for the Atollic IDE (eg. the linker script, etc).
We are now evaluating the BlueNRG-LP to maybe use it as an alternative, but we are facing some issues to be able to compile it on a GNU ARM GCC compiler.
Unfortunately, the provided demos for BlueNRG-LP devkits only support Keil and IAR, both solutions that we would like to avoid.
We mostly face issues with the linker, since we don't have the .ld file for this MCU, only a .sct for Keil or the .icf on IAR.
Do you plan to provide support for GNU GCC, through an Atollic demo project for example, for this MCU? Or maybe you already have a compatible project to share with the community for this MCU using GCC?
Thanks you,
2021-05-16 7:51 PM
An new IDE with supporting GNU GCC is going to be released soon.