2020-11-27 1:03 AM
Is there a way to prevent the GPIO from changing even if a Self reset is executed?
void SelfReset_Handler(void)
Mcu Self Reset -> GPIO High retention
2020-11-27 1:48 AM
To my knowledge only by external pull resistors. B.t.w, you can force a reset directly, without WWDG
2020-11-27 4:03 AM
Upon reset, the default values as specified in the reference manual take effect.
You must work around that with pull-up/pull-down resistors.
Letting the watchdog run out has the advantage of being more compatible/portable accross different platforms.
My company uses XC22xx and some proprietary Fujitsu MCUs in addition to Cortex M and Cortex R.
With large parts of cross-platform software.
2020-11-30 5:28 PM
Thank you for answer.
Is there a way to soft reset other than watchdog?
Without external pull-up resistance
I want to keep the GPIO high even if the MCU performs a soft reset.
Is there any way?