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use malloc, calloc and free memory occurred Hard fault interrupt. why?

Associate II

Target: STM32G473RBTX

IDE: STM32CubeIDE v1.4.2

bool read(STRUCT *devInfo)


uint8_t readbuf[len];

STRUCT *tmp = (STRUCT *)calloc(1, sizeof( STRUCT ));

if(EEPRomReadNByte(addr, len, readbuf))


tmp = (STRUCT *)&readbuf; //implicit convert

memcpy(devInfo, tmp, sizeof( STRUCT ));//make sure


free(tmp); //<- HardFault_Handler occurred


1.why happened to call free memory will occur Hard fault interrupt?

2.implicit convert some time is work or not, why?


You are trying to free memory that isn't part of the heap.

And the chaining structure contains random junk, which is undefined and unpredictable.​

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