2020-08-17 4:01 AM
I bought an STM32373C-EVAL board recently and it was working fine.
I erased the chip and then reprogrammed the eval firmware using ST-Link but now the demo firmware does not work. The FLASH programming was ok as it verifies OK.
Is there an updated version of firmware or is there a project with the firmware that builds under STM32CubeIDE 1.4.0?
The firmware folder downloaded from ST website is called "STM32373C-EVAL_FW_V1.0.0" and the binary file that I have loaded is called "STM32373C-EVAL_FW_V1.0.0"
2020-10-15 1:36 AM
Recently ordered two of these eval boards, and did the same as you with - luckily - only one of them. Same result. I then had a look in the "About" menu of the other one. This states that the SW version is 1.1.0, from 2016. On the product page there's only 1.0.0. Has anyone the sources for version 1.1.0?