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How to exchange MCU?

Associate II

What is the best way to change the MCU in an existing project, for example if the memory has become too small and i want to switch to the same MCU with more memory?

Do you really have to start all over with configuring the pins, adding compiler settings, configure the clock tree etc.?


Try cloning the .IOC and editing it

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I tried it first, but it didn't work, complained about missing include files for the old MCU, even after regenerating code. Today i tried again, changed .IOC and .cproject, and it compiles.

But the linker script is not regenerated and still contains the configuration for the smaller MCU. Deleting it and generating code again does not create the linker script. Still it compiles without the linker script, but i doubt it leads to useful results.

Is there a way to create a new linker script, suited for the new MCU?

You can generate a linker script in a new dummy project for the correct MCU and copy it to your project.

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

STM32CubeIDE is not supporting such feature.

STM32CubeMX standalone as some capabilities here. Have try about Alt+L bindkey to find and move your project to a compliant device.

Good idea, thank you!