2020-05-13 8:50 AM
I would like to plug RS485 on VCP STLINKV3. I try to plug RTS (VPC2) on DE, but I finally saw on that RTS/CTS cannot be controled by software... Can we plug DE by an other way ?
I would you like to try GPIO control, do you have simple CLI or GUI ?
2020-05-13 8:17 PM
What is "DE"?
You will need a hardware level shifter to convert between RS485 and the single-ended 0-3.3V levels the ST-Link UART is expecting. And it doesn't support hardware data control. I don't believe the ST-Link exposes any GPIO pins for general use. Could be wrong.
2020-05-13 10:46 PM
Is USART full duplex and RS485 half duplex?
Conversion maynot be so trivial.
2020-05-14 12:08 AM
On ST3485EBDR DE pin permit to send data.
ST-Link V3 provides 4 gpio, 1 uart, 1 uart+flow control, can, spi, I2C....