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fail to update ism43362 wifi module on B-L475E-IOT01A board.


I downloaded en.inventek_fw_updtaes. and followed the instructions.

But I'm in stuck in flashing ISM43362_M3G_L44_SPI_C3.5.2.5.bin.

Whenever try to flash ISM43362_M3G_L44_SPI_C3.5.2.5.bin. it outputs

C:\Users\\Downloads\en.inventek_fw_updater\bin>"C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Flash Loader Demo\STMFlashLoader.exe" -c --pn COM= --br 115200 --db 8 --pr EVEN --sb 1 --to 30000 -i STM32F2_1024K -e --sec 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -d --fn .\ISM43362_M3G_L44_SPI_C3.5.2.5.STM.bin --a 0x08000000 --v

Opening Port               [OK]

Activating device                [KO]

No response from the target, the Boot loader can not be started.

Please, verify the boot mode configuration, reset your device then try again.

Please, reset your device then then press any key to continue

 Press any key to continue ...

Is there any boot mode configuration for B-L475E-IOT01A board?

Please somebody helps me about it. Thank you.


never mind. I found answer. in my Windows 10, COMADDR in bat file output "COM=", I changed it to "8" which is right COM port(COM8).

If someone has similar problem like me, I hope this might help.