2019-09-18 4:26 AM
so we know CUBE MX software is total rubbish as it just locks up when generating what should be my project code,
Is This It ? do i give up now or can we actually speak directly with the CUBE MX TEAM of software designers ?
well, they should be jumping hoops to speak with me, wanting to get to the bottom of there embracing software bugs
what is the next stage in trying to get this resolved, ??????????????
does any one at ST care? that design engineers like me just waste hours of our life with this buggy rubbish CUBE MX 5 software ???
1) Apologising for their buggy software,
2) Asking me to send them my files so they can rectify their bugs
3) Asking me for a detailed analysis of where their software goes wrong etc.
COME ON ST..... let get some action going and get this poor quality buggy software repaired, so we can get on developing with ST parts, I have never been so frustrated, I use to develop with MicroChip, .... never had issues like this with MPLABX
2019-09-18 4:52 AM
Hmmm, not sure about 'Team' - more likely an intern who has returned to college :(
I *love* the STM32 range of chips but the software tools are appalling. Surely with the TouchGfx and Atollic team on board they could do a much better job of CubeMX ?
2019-09-18 4:55 AM
In terms of support on this forum, the *only* person that seems to be bothered to answer users questions is Martin KJELDSEN who I think came from Draupner when ST bought TouchGfx. You very rarely see any other ST employee posting help.
2019-09-18 5:09 AM
Thank guys for your replies
at least it's more than ST are doing !! just to feel they care and contact me would have been a start
but I guess if they don't know the answers there is not point in contacting me?
wow they seriously need to re think there software development, it is embarrassing poor
2019-09-18 5:58 AM
> but I guess if they don't know the answers there is not point in contacting me?
... then you can try and do a move first. Upload the .ioc and other files useful for a repro, so someone can look at it.
Also, please give more details. Windows or Linux? which version? Which Java runtime version? Does the project path contain spaces? etc.
Is any "antivirus" installed?
-- pa
2019-09-18 6:49 AM
ST chose to support as much devices as they could, and as fast as they could - and not on supporting any device particularly well.
I agree with Pavel, ST will not contact you regarding your trouble. Not sure if they even notice.
You get what you pay for ...
For a commercial project, it might be worthwhile to contact a ST FAE or representative. With quantities behind, ST is surely interested.
2019-09-18 7:13 AM
I can tell you version 4.27 works fine, now I have edited the ioc file changed the version from 5 to 4.27