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STM32F4 BOOT0 and RESET configuration

Posted on February 15, 2014 at 17:46


I am designing a custom PCB using STM32F405RG mcu. I have some doubts regarding BOOT pins and RESET pin. I am trying to follow schematic of STM32F4 discovery board and

board. Discovery board schematic shows RESET pin connected to a 100nF capacitor and ground while Olimex board shows RESET pin connected tp ground via 1K resistor. BOOT0 pin in discovey is pulled down using voltage divider in discovery while olimex uses 4.7K to ground. 

I want to know what configuration of resistor and capacitor should be used for BOOT0 and RESET pins
Posted on February 15, 2014 at 18:28

Is this a commercial design?

If it is I would totally avoid R-C based reset circuits, and recommend a proper Power-On-Reset (POR) design using something like a Microchip MCP120 thresholding your highest supply voltage, and guaranteeing a minimum RESET pulse width >100ms. Such a circuit would need just a pull-up. The cap is there for a delay either in supply rise, or button depression. I think a larger cap would be more desirable. The Olimex design has a POR chip at U2, with a button to ground NRST.

What you do with BOOT0 will also depend on your factory programming strategy, I'd probably just opt for a 33K or 47K pull down to ground, with a test point, jumper or header connection option to drive it high. Also plan on breaking out a USART1/3 to a header to permit a low cost programming interface.

If you plan on doing any development on the board, place a STANDARD debug header arrangement, either a fine pitched 10-pin SWD header, or course pitch 20-pin JTAG header, don't use 5 or 6-pin hacks like the DISCOVERY board unless you've got a lot of experience and have some specific device programming knowledge. Place headers or pads in a manner that permits easy mounting and fixturing. Placing the pads on the rear of the board, or using thru-hole arrangement might also be considered. Header connectors can be dropped from the final BOM.
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Posted on February 15, 2014 at 20:40

Hello clive1,

This is not a commercial design. I would like to know if only 100nf capacitor as given in discovery schematic is sufficient for reset pin or any other configuration is suggested.

I will be using STLink V2 programmer for programming and debugging. I am also planning to implement a jumper at BOOT0 pin so that I can also use DFU mode.

Please let me know id voltage divider like discovery schematic is preferred or should I use 4.7K resistor as given in olimex schematic?