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STVD7 can't build project. Need a little help!

Associate II
Posted on December 22, 2005 at 13:47

STVD7 can't build project. Need a little help!

Associate II
Posted on December 13, 2005 at 13:10


I'm new in working with STVD7 (2.5.4). At the moment I try to build a project that comes as a sample by STVD7.

I did only some few changes but I get every time the following erroer message:

Starting ''build'' process: gmake -f BLDC_Cosmic.mak

cxst 7 +modms -l +strict +split -i C:\_ST7\BLDC_Sless_Test\source -co C:\_ST7\BLDC_Sless_Test\object\Cosmic main.c

process begin: CreateProcess((null), cxst 7 +modms -l +strict +split -i C:\_ST7\BLDC_Sless_Test\source -co C:\_ST7\BLDC_Sless_Test\object\Cosmic main.c, ...) failed.

make (e=2): The system can not found the specified file.

gmake.exe *** [main.o] Error 2

Build failed.

I tried a lot to find the failure, modifiy makefile and so on but nothing helped.

Is someone here who is familiar with this problem and can help me.

Thanks, RoB.

Associate II
Posted on December 14, 2005 at 03:27


Why don't u use last release of STDV? It is very convenient. U will get rid of most of your problems.

Associate II
Posted on December 22, 2005 at 13:47

Hi Luther!

Thanks for your advise. It worked well. Now I can compile my projects. It was a weird failure.

By, RoB :-]