Hello Chintal, I am working on the same board and working on USB-HS device only with class communication device class.I stumbled onto your solution for the USB_CoreReset timeout. However, even after activating USB_HS_REGEN in CubeMX, (Pinout&Configu...
Thank you for the response WojRus! I have enabled USB_HS_REGEN. However, the same issue still occurs in USB_CoreReset(), any other insights that might solve the issue? Which documentation explains that you need to enable USB_HS_REGEN, and where can I...
Quick update on my IOC configuration. 1. Enabled USB_HS_REGEN2. In 'RCC' set 'CRS SYNC' to 'CRS SYNC Source USB' *3. In 'NVIC' enable the global interrupt for USB ** Source: StefanH Associate III
Hello! I've been struggling with this problem and stumbled on your post. I tried your solution. However, when I pasted __HAL_RCC_SYSCFG_CLK_ENABLE(); into HAL_MspInit(void) it returns the error "Undefined reference to '__HAL_RCC_SYSCFG_CLK_ENABLE();...