Hello,I have a question need your help!About :MCU L431(80MHz),SPI 5M,IC ST25R3916. NFC06A1I use "rfalNfcvPollerReadMultipleBlocks()" read two blocks at a time,but I found that it takes 9 ms to read successfully. How can I shorten this time?
Hi,Compared with what you said, it takes me 9.1ms to use Read Multiple Blocks command and 7.3ms to use Fast Read Multiple Blocks command, both of which are slower than the theory.But,The tag on the customer site may not support Fast Read, so I still ...
Thank you very much for your reply.The function I use is "err = rfalNfcvPollerReadMultipleBlocks(reqFlag, NULL, block_addr+i, 1, &rfid_data.buff[(modbus.rfid_block_size+2) * i], (modbus.rfid_block_size*2+3), &rcvLen);"The tag I use can read up to 2 b...