@SofLit @Andrew Neil sorry GuysI'm using to transmit the data from stm32h743zit6 board to stm32f407vgt6 board.our company have said to me use the STM32Cube ide for HAL coding There only create the board take the reference from here STM32H743VIT6 - ST...
Hi @SofLit @Andrew Neil transmit part is not working i didn't check the receive part can u help me out u have any working codeCan u help me out u can u check the code once i configure any wrong in the codeI'm using the stm32h743zit6 board I don't h...
Hi bro Are you using the stm32h743zit6 board CANif your using CANcan u send the working code because i have code that is not working i have message can u check once #include"STM32H743.h"
/* CAN Handle */
FDCAN_HandleTypeDef hfdcan1;
/* Function to I...