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Hello,I am trying NUCLEO-WB55RG Matter device over thread example with apple home pod mini (support thread border router and matter) but it fails to commission and connect.I have already flashed "STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries/STM32WB5x/stm32wb5x_BL...
Hello,As mentioned in DMA is not working on STM32H7 devicesI applied solution before DMA receiveSCB_InvalidateDCache_by_Addr((uint32_t*)(((uint32_t)rx_buffer) & ~(uint32_t)0x1F), RX_LENGTH+32);but it just get stuck in this instruction and not executi...
Hello, I am trying to send sensor data through BLE.Below is my code I am getting BLE_STATUS_TIMEOUT (0xFF) from getBlueNRGVersion fuction as shown in code I am printing hex value just to know return val.After that every functions returning same erro...