2023-03-16 11:19 PM
I am trying NUCLEO-WB55RG Matter device over thread example with apple home pod mini (support thread border router and matter) but it fails to commission and connect.
I have already flashed "STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries/STM32WB5x/stm32wb5x_BLE_Thread_ForMatter_fw.bin" on board from repository.
Below are versions and git repo I am using.
I am able to scan QR code and finish all process but at last iPhone shows "Unable to add accessory."
I am attaching logs from Nucelo board here. Please letme know if you need anything to help on this.
Thank you
2023-03-31 2:52 AM
Ensure that you are using the same wifi network for your Iphone and the Apple Home pod. If it's the case, due to some MDNS issues, the commissioning with some Wi-Fi access point may fail. You can try to perform several commissioning and check if the commissioning failed always at the same moment.
Best Regards