Hi Vipuls,If you take a look to the schematic, GND/GND_Ext relationship is managed by the following section:Regarding the ISOSPI, it is a differential protocol, so no need to refer to GND at all.It's your choice to use or not the embedded sensing mec...
Hi Luke,I will try to answer your questions; however, we cannot guarantee advanced support on custom cabled build.It may not be aligned with official ones, so, from our side, the overall behavior may be unreachable.Anyway, No. Your aim is to connect ...
Hello Vipuls,BMSHOLDER connection works fine when x14 batteries are used, and when the current needs to be measured.However, for custom mockups, in case less than 14 batteries or no Rsense want to be used, some of the electrical connection need to be...
Hi Luke,I think your L9963E device is actually missing the ground reference.Please follow this procedure: 1) Disconnect the BMS holder connector 2) Check both your BMS boards and place each Jumper JP1 in the 1/2 position: 3) Reconnect the BMS hol...
Hi Luke,As Max says our evaluation kit was designed for exactly 14 Cells. Moreover, I see that the allocation process is allocating some pins as "X".This means that, somehow, the allocation process allocated an MCU pin not wired to the 4x37 connector...