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There is a utility to update the  EMW3080 to version 2.3.4 on the STM32H573I DISCO but how can I revert to a previous version?Is the source available for the update utility so I can replace 2.3.4 with 2.1.11?Thank you
The STM32H573I Discovery circuit diagram (MB1677) shows pin18 of the STMod+ connector going to PB12.This should be the BOOT pin of the MXCHIP EMW3080B (MB1400)But H5 Cube configures PB0 as BOOTSTM32Cube_FW_H5_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32H573I-DK\Application...
Posted on October 16, 2015 at 10:54I've found that on the ST32F429 DISCO that the library STemWin STemWin522_CM4_OS_GCC.a works and yet the later version STemWin528_CM4_OS_GCC.a does not. Its hangs somewhere after GUI_X_Config(). I have the CRC modu...
Posted on October 11, 2015 at 14:47On the STM32F7-DISCO a signal from GPIO Port I13 LCD_INT connects to the 480 x 272 LCD.The STM32F745xx/STM32F746xx datasheet says that the AF14 mode of this pin is LCD_VSYNC. On the DISCO the LCD_VSYNC is on GPIO P...
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