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I'm running the ADC on STM32G071 and I am seeing double spikes when the ADC takes a reading. Any idea why there are two spikes? I expect to see just one. Below you see two spikes followed by another two spikes 1ms later. My software starts an ADC rea...
I traditionally use a volatile type for my schedulers. Very simple like so volatile uint8_t myflag; uint8_t ticks; void Func(void){ ++ticks; if(!(ticks % 5)){ myflag = true; } } void User(void){ if(myflag) { myflag = false; //DO ...
I am using the STM32G071. My first board is built on the G071G8UxN. This is a 28-pin version.UCPD1_DBCC2 on pin 14 PB0UCPD1_DBCC2 is also on PA10 but that's not connected on the 28-pin version. However, you can remap and replace PA12(pin 19) with PA1...
I am using TIM2 to create PWMs for LEDs. When I enter STOP mode I expect the PWM to stop. Yet it does not. From the manual TIM do not have wakeup capability from stop mode. So they should not be requesting the HSI to operate.What could possibly cause...
I'm working on getting the STM32G0 to stop mode. Im using WFI so it will wake on interrupt. Right now its immediately waking which is confusing me.My understanding is that I should __disable_irq() first to prevent the interrupt handlers from being ca...