Hi,I am receiving an error while I am debugging, I try to use the command in the message but the terminal doesn't recognize someone can help? error prtscr
Hi guysI need help! After the installation, I am trying to start a new project in the STM32CudeIDE, it requires a target no more opinionsHow can I resolve this?Prtscreen
Hi, I've had this same problem look what I did.maybe it can work for you https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubeide-mcus/stm32cudeide-on-ubuntu-24-04-no-target/td-p/736358/page/2
Hi,I found a possible solution 1- create the project in the STM32cudeMX Select the language and target broad, save the project2- Open the STM32cudeIDE Search for the project that you created in the STM32cudeMX and be happy :) c...