Hello,I am working on stm32h7s78-dk board and I m running a simple LED toggle code in while loop. So, the MCU is getting stuck and my LED is blinking continuously. So, anyone has any solution for this please give your inputs on this. Thanks,
Hello,I am trying to print my logs in Cube-Ide debug session using printf. But i cannot see the logs in the console.So, is there any solution to this.Thank you, Harsh
Duplicate - mergedHello Community,I am using receive interrupts for UART4 and UART7 on stm32h7s78 board. So, in this UART7 interrupt is not working. So, anyone have the solution for this.Is UART7 is capable for rx interrupt?Please share your inputs o...
Hello,I am working on stm32h7s78 using UART-4 & UART-7 and MXCHIP EMC3080-P WIFI/BLE module. However, I am facing issues regarding the UART-7 RX interrupt. If I transmit the command from UART-4 to UART-7 it will transmit the same command data to EM...
/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
* @file : main.c
* @brief : Main program body